Unlock your tight shoulders | Shoulder mobility exercises

Want to move without feeling any tightness, increase your range of motion and reduce your risk of injury? Mobility is the answer. Today let’s do some shoulder mobility exercises, which you can practice at home.

Want more mobility tutorials? Check out the stretching and mobility section in the exercise library.

Why is shoulder mobility important?

Tight shoulders are never a good sign! The shoulder is a very mobile joint, allowing movement in many directions. But it also means that pain and injuries in this particular area are not rare.

It’s amazing to see a rising interest for mobility exercises, as they help improve your range of motion, your form when performing exercises and reduce the risk of injuries.

These shoulder mobility exercises are not "just" useful for resistance training. They can also benefit runners, who tend to hold tension in that area

Shoulder mobility exercises

Watch the video to see how to perform every movement. Perform each one for at least 30 seconds, twice.
Now, roll your shoulders back and down (no shrugging!) and let’s get into it.

Clasped hands extensions: look straight, engage your core and lift your arms behind you as far as comfortable.

Reverse table top lifts: slightly tuck your chin towards your neck. Keep your core engage to maintain neutral spine.

Modified cat cow. As you can see I’m retracting and protracting my shoulders as opposed to rounding and arching my back.

Band pass through: Your hand stance should be wider than your shoulders. If going all the way back down to your glutes feels uncomfortable, start with a smaller range of motion.

I’d love to know how you get on if you try these! Feel free to tell me about it on Instagram or via email!

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