The best adjustable kettlebells for home workouts

With lockdowns and gyms being shut, home workouts have been booming since March 2020. At the time I am writing this blog post, the UK has just entered its third lockdown.

An adjustable kettlebell is probably one of the smartest and most versatile options when it comes to home fitness equipment. Here are the best adjustable kettlebells for your home workouts.

Why get an adjustable kettlebell?

Kettlebells are a very versatile piece of equipment that allow you to perform many different exercises and target your whole body.

Adjustable kettlebells are even better for home workouts. They are basically several kettlebells in one, saving you space and money. You can simply adjust the weight of your kettlebell to perform a wide range of exercises with the right load for you.

As you progress, you can add some weight without having to buy a new, heavier kettlebell.


How to make the most of an adjustable kettlebell with home workouts?

Here are a few examples of home workouts you can perform with an adjustable kettlebell:

Try this ab workout to work your core.
Sculpt your shoulders at home with this shoulder-focused workout.
Perform this full body workout that will target your major muscle groups and develop balance.
Shape your back, shoulders and core with this upper body workout.
Work your lower body especially your glutes with this glute workout.

What are the best adjustable kettlebells?

JaxJox Kettlebell Connect

This is the one I use. I was gifted an adjustable kettlebell from JaxJox during the first lockdown and I’ve been using it for every single lockdown workout. It has truly made my home workouts so much more effective and enjoyable! I 100% recommend it!

This adjustable kettlebell has 6 weight settings from 5.5kg to 19kg, which is perfect for a wide range of exercises. How? Simply place the kettlebell on its base, touch the + or - button then wait a few seconds for the kettlebell to get to the right weight. It’s so, so easy!

You can connect it to the JAXJOX App if you want to track your workouts. I really like the fact that I don’t need to charge it very often and it is super easy to set up.

Price of JaxJox Kettlebell: £299

Bowflex SelectTech Adjustable Kettlebell

The Bowflex adjustable kettlebell also has a very compact design and 6 different weight settings from 3.5 to 18kg, which you adjust with a rotary wheel.

You can access many workout videos on the Bowflex website and learn how to use the kettlebell.

Price of Bowflex Kettlebell: £209.99

Strongology 7-in-1 Adjustable Smart Kettlebell

The Strongology Kettlebell is ergonomically designed and made of cast iron. You can adjust the weight with an unlock and twist system.

It offers 7 different settings (from 3.5 to 18kg) but as you have to remove then add the plates yourself, I’d say that it’s less handy than the JaxJox system.

Price of Strongology Kettlebell: £169.99

RPM Power Adjustable Kettlebell

The RPM Power Kettlebell has a similar system to the Strongology one, where you add or remove plates yourself and have 7 different weights in one kettlebell.

The main advantage of this one is the price, more affordable than the others.

Price of RPM Power Kettlebell: £115.99

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