3 popular vegan myths to stop believing

“But how do you get enough protein?” is probably the question that vegans get asked the most. Let’s get the facts straight today and address 3 popular vegan myths.

3 popular vegan myths to stop believing now

Vegans don’t get enough protein

Protein seems to have become the main macronutrient people who are into fitness care about. Don’t get me wrong: protein is a vital nutrient, it does help build and repair muscle and it also keeps you fuller for longer.

The thing is, you probably don’t need as much protein as you think you do. Too much protein can actually cause health issues. Women should aim for 0.6 to 1g protein per kg of bodyweight.

Plus, you don’t need animal protein to hit your daily requirements. There are many, many vegan foods that contain some protein and they all add up at the end of the day.

The more diverse your plant-based diet is, the less you risk lacking protein. Make sure to consume a variety of vegetables and pulses, a moderate amount of soya-based foods and add a sprinkle of seeds and nutritional yeast to your dishes for a few extra grams of protein!

Veganism is a weight-loss diet

In order to lose weight, you need to be in a calorie deficit. Going vegan doesn’t automatically mean that you will consume less calories than you burn. Actually, some people might experience weight gain if they only rely on ultra-processed vegan foods. Junk food is junk food after all.

Although you can lose weight on a vegan diet, this shouldn’t be your main motivation to ditch animal products. Your choice should be based on environmental, ethical and health reasons, not on the desire to shed a few pounds.

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Vegans never get sick

If only this was true! But this myth started off from a truth, which is that a plant-based diet mainly composed of whole foods can reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases.

That being said, although it has preventive effects, your vegan diet doesn’t give you an immunity card against cancer, heart disease or diabetes.

So yes, there are plenty of health benefits but unfortunately, vegans can still get ill during Winter or develop more serious illnesses.

For more plant-based nutrition info, feel free to read these posts: