Randox Health Discovery Health Test review

I recently visited the Randox Health Birmingham clinic for a Discovery Health Test. Here’s how it went and everything you need to know about this health test.

This is a collaboration with Randox Health. This review reflects my own opinions and I had complete freedom to write this post without submitting it to the company for approval.

About Randox

Founded in 1982, Randox has grown to become the leading healthcare diagnostics company in the UK and Ireland. The Randox Health branch helps individuals take control of their own health by offering a wide range of health tests to assess health risks and encourage preventative healthcare.

Why book a health test?

The World Health Organization reports that noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), including cardiovascular diseases, respiratory conditions, and diabetes, account for 70% of all deaths globally, with an estimated 80% of these cases being preventable.

In 2019, avoidable deaths accounted for 22.5% of all fatalities in the UK, with 24.4% of the population at risk due to at least one underlying health condition—this included nearly one in five (19.6%) working-age adults.

Having access to comprehensive health data empowers you to make informed decisions about your diet and lifestyle, potentially preventing future illnesses. Plus, it gives you peace of mind!

Where are the Randox Health Clinics?

There are several Randox Health clinics across the UK, with current locations in London, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester, Chichester, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Northern Ireland.

What are the health tests available?

There are numerous in-clinic tests ranging from general health to female health, sports performance, gut health and even cancer risk. If you’re not sure what to go for, the Discovery package is a great place to start!

Randox Health Discovery Health Test

The discovery package is a full body health check that evaluates around 150 data points related to hormone, heart and digestive health, giving you a comprehensive snapshot of your current health status.

Fasting before your appointment is optional.

What does the Discovery Health Test include?

This particular test looks into several aspects of your health, including:

  • Personal health measurements: weight, height, waist & hip circumference, pulse, blood pressure and oxygen saturation.

  • Full blood count

  • Iron status

  • Kidney, Diabetes, Digestive health

  • Bone, Muscle and Joint health

  • Inflammation levels

  • Thyroid and Hormonal health

And a bunch of other data points!

What happens during your appointment?

After checking in at the front desk, you’ll be asked to fill out a consent form. You’ll then be invited into the consultation room. The healthcare practitioner in charge will put you at ease and start by going over the lifestyle questionnaire you received (and hopefully completed!) when booking your appointment online.

You’ll then have your measurements taken (height, waist and hip circumference) before stepping on a smart scale to be weighed.

Next, they’ll take your blood pressure and measure your oxygen saturation before drawing blood. Finally, you’ll be asked to provide a urine sample.

It should take about 30 minutes and you’ll be made to feel comfortable all along.

What happens next?

You will receive your detailed results in form of a PDF report via email within a few days. If you’ve chosen this option (at no extra cost), you’ll receive a phone call to go over your results.

You’ll have been given the possibility to choose the date and time for this 15 minute phone call.

Randox Health Discovery Health Test review

I visited the Randox Health Birmingham clinic and had my appointment with the lovely Sara.

During the appointment

Sara immediately put me at ease, explained the different stages of the appointment and went over my lifestyle questionnaire (which I didn’t realise I had to fill out beforehand, don’t make the same mistake!).

Sara was very professional yet caring, ensuring I felt comfortable throughout the whole consultation. I really appreciated her thoroughness, nothing was rushed and I she was happy to answer any question.

It’s worth noting that Sara didn’t know that I had been invited to review my experience and I would have received the same treatment if I was a “regular” customer.

The appointment lasted about 30 minutes and Sara kindly booked a phone consultation for me to go over my results a week later.

Receiving my results

My appointment was on a Tuesday and I received my report via email on the weekend. I was really impressed with how detailed and easily comprehensible the report was.

The results are presented using different colours to clearly see what is out of the normal range. Each data point is clearly explained so that anyone can understand what is measured and what it means.

Thankfully my results were over 90% in the green. For the data points that were slightly abnormal, my report outlined a few possible reasons, eliminating severe causes by linking back to other results that were normal (and wouldn’t be normal if there was anything serious).

I then has the phone call with a Randox health practitioner going over my results. To be honest, whilst it was reassuring to hear that nothing was particularly alarming, I didn’t learn anything new over the phone that wasn’t written in my report.

What to do next?

Your report includes a section for your GP, so that you can take the results to them and have more tests done through the NHS pathway, should you need to.

Based on your results, you might also want to re-book another Discovery test in a few months to see if anything has changed, or book a more specific test to dive deeper into some aspects of your health.

Is it worth booking a Randox Health Discovery Health Test?

In my opinion, getting everything checked through a Randox Health Discovery Health Test is extremely useful and would benefit anyone, whether you’re wondering if something is wrong or simply want some peace of mind.

Knowledge is power, and knowing your current state of health gives you the opportunity to prevent and address any potential issues.

If you’ve not had a full health check in a while, I would highly recommend finding your nearing Randox Health clinic and booking the test that suits you best!

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