Post-run recovery: the best running recovery tools for every budget

Do you often find that your legs are sore and muscles are tight after a hard run? Struggling to recover after a running race? These running recovery tools can help you recover better and faster. You’ll find something that fits your budget below!

Cover the basics first

Recovery tools and supplements come in handy and definitely have their place in your post-run recovery routine, but they shouldn’t replace the basic steps that your body needs:

  • Rest

  • Stretching

  • Refuelling with a balanced meal (real food, not just a protein shake!)

These recovery pillars come first, and then you can look into using specific tools to help you recover from an interval session, a long run or a race.

The best tools & products to recover from a race or a hard run

Foam roller

Using a foam roller can help you reduce soreness and relieve muscle tightness. Foam rolling is a self myofascial release (SMR) technique.

The fascia is the connective tissue made of collagen that is found around the muscles and that can get really tight after a run.

You don’t need to spend a lot to get a great foam roller that will last you for years. Here are some suggestions at different price points:

Massage gun

A massage gun is another great tool to help relieve muscle tension, spasms and stiffness. Massaging also increases blood flow and lymphatic circulation, helping to get rid of toxins.

The combination of relaxed muscles and improved circulation can promote flexibility and reduce the risk of injury. A massage gun is a versatile tool that can be used before and after a run.

Plus, it often comes with different attachments to pinpoint even the small muscles and areas that a foam roller couldn’t target.

There is a wide variety of massage guns on the market now, from the most affordable to the most premium. Whilst a Theragun is an exceptional tool, you don’t need to invest in a luxury massage gun to feel the benefits. You will find a great massage gun with a budget of maximum £50.

Check out this selection:


The four major electrolytes found in the human body are sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. They are found in the body’s fluid and help regulate many bodily functions.

When you run, you sweat and therefore lose electrolytes. This can for instance lead to muscle cramps or headaches. Your electrolyte stores can be replenished through food most of the time, so you don’t need to have an electrolyte drink after each run.

But when it’s really warm or if you’re doing a long effort (for instance a half-marathon), you may benefit from sipping on electrolytes during and/or after the effort.

My absolute favourite electrolyte drink is Humantra, especially the Elderberry flavour. It tastes incredible.

Epsom bath salts

Epsom salt is known to relax muscles and can really help relieve soreness after an intense run. It’s a relatively affordable and handy post-run recovery technique, especially if you’re someone who enjoys taking a bath.

My recommendations are:

Massage balm

Recovery balms are powered by ingredients well-known for their soothing and relaxing properties.Using a balm allows for a localised application on sore areas, so that you often feel a difference straight away.

You can massage your tight calves and quads with any cream, but using a specialised recovery balm will definitely enhance the benefits of the massage

Here are some massage balms you could try:

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FitnessChloe HamardRunning