Humantra Hydration Hack honest review | Electrolyte & antioxidant drink

If you’re into endurance sports and supplements, you’ve probably heard of Humantra by now.

After seeing one too many social media posts raving about it, I decided to try Humantra Hydration Hack electrolytes and here’s my honest, unsponsored review.

About Humantra Hydration Hack

Humantra Hydration Hack stick in berry pomegranate flavour

Humantra’s mission in a nutshell? “Create the most clean, complete and highly effective electrolyte formula on the market

Hydration Hack by Humantra is a plant-based electrolyte and antioxidant drink mix crafted with the optimal balance of antioxidants and 6 essential electrolytes to hydrate 4 times more effectively than water alone.

Unlike many electrolytes, Humantra is free from sugar and artificial ingredients. It only contains the essentials your body needs, is sweetened by Stevia leaf extract and won’t create any gut discomfort.

It comes in travel-friendly, single serve sticks with several flavours to choose from.

Why do we need to drink electrolytes?

Water alone doesn’t fully address our hydration needs! Minerals, specifically electrolytes, are crucial for effectively transporting water to where it's needed in our bodies.

This explains why it’s possible to be dehydrated despite consuming several litres of water each day. Many bottled waters lack these essential minerals, so it's necessary to replenish them to achieve proper hydration.

It is thought that 75% of people are chronically dehydrated, which impacts their daily life with brain fog, dehydration headaches and inflammation.

What are the six essential electrolytes?

The six electrolytes that play a vital role in many functions such as muscle contractions, nerve signals and energy production are:

  • Sodium

  • Potassium

  • Chloride

  • Calcium

  • Magnesium

  • Phosphate

Each Humantra Hydration Hack sticks contains the optimal balance of these six electrolytes to ensure optimal hydration.

Where to buy Humantra Hydration Hack and how much does it cost?

In the UK, you can find Humantra electrolytes at the best price on Healf, where you have the option to subscribe and save on every order. You can also order via the brand’s own website but delivery may take longer.

A box of 20 individual sticks costs £26.54 on a Healf subscription, which you can pause or cancel anytime.

Humantra Hydration Hack unsponsored review

As a runner, I know full well that I should drink electrolytes to replace the essential minerals I lose, especially as it doesn’t take long for me to break a sweat.

Although I’ve never suffered from cramping, I finished some long runs or hard interval sessions feeling dehydrated in the past, so I knew that I could up my hydration game.

I tried several electrolyte tablets and powders in the past, and never really enjoyed drinking them. The taste wasn’t great and in some cases, I was left with an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach.

Therefore I never managed to make drinking electrolytes a habit, until I tried Humantra Hydration Hack.

It is the very first electrolyte drink mix that genuinely tastes good to me. I would particularly recommend the Elderberry and Berry-Pomegranate flavours which are simply delicious especially with ice-cold water.

Instead of forcing myself to drink electrolytes, I’m now looking forward to my daily serving of Humantra Hydration Hack and it’s easily become part of my daily routine.

I’ve not had a single dehydration headache (something I’m prone to) since I’ve started taking Humantra and staying on top of my hydration (not just my water intake) can only benefit my running.

The only slight downside is the price. If you use one stick a day, it adds up to over £30 per month. But, keeping in mind the clean composition, artificial-free formula and the incredibly enjoyable taste, it’s a price I’m willing to pay!

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