Helena Tipping Wrexham 10k race review

I recently took part in Helena Tipping Wrexham 10k organised by Run Cheshire. Here’s everything you need to know about this event and my race review.

This review reflects my own experience at the 2024 edition of this event. The timings, course and other elements may change in future editions.

About the Helena Tipping Wrexham 10k

Organised by Run Cheshire, the Helena Tipping Wrexham 10k is a key annual running event that took place for the 33rd time in July 2024.

It starts by the new Net World Sports site (where plenty of free parking is available). The course is just over 1.5 laps which you’ll be familiar with if you took part in the Village Bakery Wrexham Half .

The finish line is located by the Isycoed Community Council, which is 1.2 mile away from the car park.

The course is flat overall, with 24m total elevation gain according to Strava. There are no significant inclines and the road surface is smooth all the way. Check out what the course looks like on my Strava activity here.

This event starts at 9:30 and runners have 90 minutes to complete the 10km.

How much does the race entry cost?

The standard entry fee is £21 (or £23 for non-affiliated runners).

Race number collection

You can collect your number on race morning. The race HQ is set up right next to the car park and as it’s not a huge event, getting your number doesn’t take long at all. No need to bring an ID.

What do you get at the finish?

Race finished get their medal, a water bottle and a flapjack (vegan flavours available).

Can you set a new10k PB there?

Yes you can, the course is flat enough for a 10k personal best! I personally ran my second fastest (non-downhill) 10k.

Helena Tipping Wrexham 10k: my experience

You can watch some footage of the race and my experience in this vlog:

Here’s what I enjoyed the most about this event:

  • It was my third time taking part in a Run Cheshire event, and once again it was really well organised. Being able to park so close to the start line was great.

  • I was pleasantly surprised with the support on the course, I didn’t expect to see this many spectators, not only runners’ friends and families but also locals coming out of their houses to cheer us on.

  • Free race photos are always appreciated.

Any downsides?

It would have been great to have pacers for faster times. The fastest pacer was for a 45 minute 10k. Runners hoping to run their first sub 40 would have appreciated some help.

It would also have made self-seeding easier at the start if there had been pacers from 35 minutes, for sub 45 minute runners to correctly gauge where to position themselves.

That being said it’s a great running event and I’d absolutely consider taking part in future editions!

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