What muscles do step ups work?

Step ups mainly work your quadriceps and glutes but also your hamstrings. They also mobilise your core muscles that act as stabilisers (keeping you balanced). This is a great leg exercise for beginners (start on a small step with no weight or light dumbbells) as well as advanced lifters (higher box and heavier weights).

How to do step ups?

Place a step/box in front of you. Hold a dumbbell in each hand (or start with only your body weight).

Put one foot on the step and push through the heel to be able to lift the other foot off the floor and raise your knee. Then take it back to the floor.

You can alternate legs but I’d recommend you keep the same foot on the box for the desired amount of repetitions then swap legs.

Video demo

Pro tips

  • Make sure that your heel is on the box

  • Keep your core engaged to maintain your balance

  • The higher the step, the more challenging it is on the quads especially

How to tell if you’re doing it right?

You mainly feel it in your quads and your glutes when pushing through your heels. You are able to keep your balance. If not, use a smaller step.