What muscles do Single Leg Deadlifts target?

The single leg deadlift is a deadlift variation that mainly works your leg muscles, especially your hamstrings (the back of your thighs). It’s also a great balance and core strength exercise as it requires you to stand on one leg whilst deadlifting a weight.

I’d advise mastering the Kettlebell Romanian deadlift or Dumbbell Romanian deadlift before giving the Single Leg deadlift a go.

How to do a Single Leg deadlift?

I am demonstrating this exercise with a kettlebell but a dumbbell works too!

Hold your weight in one hand. Brace your core and keep your shoulders low. The standing leg will be on the same side as the hand holding the weight.

Slowly start bending over from your hips at the same time as you raise your leg behind you. Slightly bend the knee on your standing leg and look down.

The goal is to form a line that is as straight and parallel to the floor as possible, from your raised foot to your head. The arm holding the weight should be straight and close to your standing leg. The weight shouldn’t go any lower than your ankle.

Hold this position for one second then slowly return to the initial position. Check out the pro tips at the bottom of the page for beginner versions.

Video Demo 

Pro tips

  • If you struggle with balance, put your foot down in between reps. You can also hold the wall or any surface with your free hand if it helps.

  • Keep your core engaged.

  • Start with a low weight then slowly increase it as your balance improves.

How to tell if you’re doing it right?

You should be able to achieve a nearly straight line from your foot to head. You should mainly feel it in your hamstrings.

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